Thursday, June 24, 2010

EFS- # 1

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Joey Spring sits on a bench- looking out over the ocean, in Long Beach, CA- its Easter, just another holiday, as far as, he's concern. Besides, nothing ever happened, on Easter, for him, so what the heck! He puts his feet on the railing keeping passerbys, from falling down the cliff, here at Bluff Cliffs.

It was around eleven o'clock, or so he guessed, he stifled a yawn, another boring day...just then, something ran by him; it looked like a white rabbit. He sat up, pulling his feet down, from the railing. He shook his head, that just didn't happen.

He gets up, and looks all around, but nothing. He shakes his head; he must be getting brain freeze.

He starts to sit back down, but something made him turn and look, to see if the bench was clear, it had been, but who knows, he's seeing illusions, now.

He gasps, there on the bench are three eggs, Easter eggs, he sits down, next to them, and picks up one, thinking how hungry he is, when out of nowhere, a woman comes up to him, looking very sad. She looks at him, " It's Easter, and I don't have anyone to go to lunch with, would you care to join would very welcome, if you would. "

Joey says, " I'd love to. "

They go to her car, but Joey checks out the backseat, before getting in. The woman smiles; she knows she's a stranger to him, and he's just being careful. She smiles her understanding. They get in, and drive to Hofs Hut, at 2nd and PCH, in Long Beach.

They have a great lunch; she then takes him back, to where they'd met, drops him off, and Joey goes back to his bench, shaking his head. He sits down, and puts his feet back, on the railing.

He begins to think how great it would be to be rich; when he finds himself, not on the bench, but in the ruins, of a ship, all around him, are gold coins, and other gold objects, out of nowhere a bag appears, he starts putting gold coins in it, and to his surprise he ends up putting all the gold in the bag, not one piece of gold was left.

He takes a step, and is back on the bench, with the bag, he undoes his belt, and puts the bag on it, then rebuckles it.

He sits back down, and starts feeling, like he knows what he wants to do with the final wish, he thinks to himself- " I want the Easter Bunny to get his or her's wish."

Instantly, a beautiful teenage girl stands beside him. He knows without saying, this is his mate, forever. She smiles at him- beautiful, sexy, fashionista, and with a look of love in her eyes. He reaches out his hand, and their hands touch- the Trailblazers- are born.

They leave the beach hand in hand; in fun land, white light comes, and with a flash, the new Easter Bunny comes into his/her own.

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